Was founded in 1998 by two private bankers to strengthen its position in the banking sector and on the basis of a common idea of ​​a stable and confidential bank to serve private clients and businesses in general.


In the first years of its existence, the bank showed stable work and won the trust of many private investors, as well as small and medium-sized businesses.
Over the years, the bank has increased its power and increased the quantity and quality of services provided.









In 2002, SABAX transformed its business strategy in accordance with the latest regulatory requirements and received a license from the Central Bank of Cyprus. This work was highly appreciated by business and foreign partners.


BANK SABAX is the largest liquidity provider for brokerage companies around the world. High-quality brokerage tools quickly took the industry by storm and made it possible for a wider range of investors to trade in the financial markets and hedge their positions safely.


Today SABAX BANK is the largest corporate bank in Cyprus. Ample opportunities are also provided to individuals, from opening an account for personal confidential use to renting a bank safe and issuing a universal MastreCard SABAX + 

About us


We will find a way out of any situation and take the side of the client. The most valuable thing for us is our client. We are always on your side.

Thousands of private clients and investors recognized SABAX BANK as the most stable and perfect bank even during the crisis years.

Under no circumstances will we disclose information about our customers. We will force even the court to give good reasons ...

Stable bank since 1998 in Cyprus

Transparent relationships

Client Privacy

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